Monday, August 27, 2012

بشير الجميل حي بعد 30 سنة على اغتياله وقادة أموات وهم أحياء

بشير الجميل حي بعد 30 سنة على اغتياله وقادة أموات وهم أحياء

بقلم/الياس بجاني*

لأن الحق هو الله الذي لا يموت ولأن الشر هو ابليس الذي لا يقدر أن ينتصر على الخير تحت أي ظرف نرى بوضوح تام وبعد 30 سنة على اغتيال الحلم، بشير الجميل، أنه هو لا يزال حياً في روحية وحراك القضية التي رفع شعارها وقدم نفسه قرباناً على مذبحها، فيما رتل من القيادات الزمنية والدينية وكثر منهم كانوا مؤيدين له وفي نفس خطه الوطني والسياسي هم أموات رغم أن الله لم يسترد منهم بعد نعمة الروح كونهم ابتعدوا عن خالقهم ولا يخافونه وكفروا بلبنان وبإنسانه وتحولوا إلى تجار دم.

على خلفية فكر وشجاعة وشفافية وصراحة وحلم بشير يمكننا القول معه وبصوت عال وجهور، أنه مجرم وقاتل وزنديق ومارق كل من يؤيد أو يدافع عن الرئيس السوري الأسد الذي يقتل شعبه ويريد أن يحكمه بقوة السلاح والبطش والإرهاب. هذا الرجل هو دراكولا أي مصاص دماء، ويكون على شاكلته كل من حتى يقف موقفاً محايداً من إجرامه.

ومع بشير القضية نقول، هو مجرم وقاتل وزنديق كل من يقف ضد العدالة في لبنان ويتستر على إجرام أوباش الأسد والملالي من الميليشيات والمرتزقة والمأجورين والصنوج والطبول وممتهني الاغتيالات والفوضى والمافياوية وتجار المقاومة والممانعة والتحرير.
ومع الباش بشير نقول، مجرم ومنافق وزنديق كل من يحاول التعمية على الجريمة الكبرى التي كان النظام السوري بطريقة إلى تنفيذها من خلال الإبليسي ميشال سماحة. ونعم في خانة وضيعة ومنحطة نضع وزير العدل اللبناني أن لم يمارس كل ما هو مطلوب منه قانونياً ومعه وفي نفس الخانة نضع الحكومة اللبنانية وكل رجال القضاء والسياسيين والمسؤولين والقياديين ورجال الدين والمواطنين الذين يعطلون إحقاق الحق وتبيان الحقيقة والاقتصاص من ميشال سماحة وغيره من المتورطين في المؤامرة القذرة من لبنانيين وسوريين وغيرهم.

وفي ذكرى انتخاب البشير رئيساً نقول معه أيضاً، ويل لأمة لا تخاف الله فيما تقول وتعمل ولا تحترم الشهداء من بنيها وتتاجر وتساوم على تضحياتهم وكراماتهم ويمتهن قادتها ورجال أديانها والمسؤولين فيها عاهات الذمية والتقية والإستزلام والنرسيسية.

تعود بنا الذاكرة إلى 30 سنة مضت باعتزاز وفخر وإيمان وعرفان بالجميل مع شكر الرب على كل نعمه وعطاياه. تعود بنا الذاكرة إلى انتخاب قائد المقاومة اللبنانية الشيخ بشير بيار الجميل رئيساً للجمهورية اللبنانية في 23 آب 1982 . نتذكر ولا ننسى ولا يجب أن ننسى في المناسبة هذه أن نقارن بموضوعية وصدق وشفافية بين ممارسات وفكر وعناد وشجاعة ومواقف وتقوى بشير وبين ممارسات وأقوال ومواقف وجبن غالبية القيادات المارونية الحالية تحديداً.
ونحن نسترجع حقبة بشير المشرّفة في ذاكرتنا ووجداننا والضمائر نطلب لنفسه الطاهرة الراحة الأبدية ونلعن في نفس الوقت أيام المحل والانحطاط الأخلاقي والوطني والسياسي التي وصلنا إليها حيث بات حضور غالبية القادة الموارنة روحيين وزمنين ومسؤولين هو غياب بعد أن امتهنوا التقية والذمية والخنوع وفضلوا بوقاحة المصالح الشخصية على المصلحة العامة فانتهوا مهمشين وتابعين لا يُحسب لهم حساباً ولا يجدون من يثق بهم ويحترمهم أو يأخذهم في عين الاعتبار حتى بين أهل بيتهم وأبناء طائفتهم.
إلا أنه ورغم السواد القاتم الذي يحيط بمصداقية وإيمان وثبات غالبية القيادات المارونية واللبنانية الحالية لا يمكننا إلا أن نرى الأمل في شباب لبنان السياديين الملتزمين بسيادة وحرية وكرامة واستقلال وطن الأرز رغم كل الصعاب والشدائد والتحديات والمكائد.
إن الفرق شاسع وعلى كل المستويات بين القيادات المارونية الحالية تحديداً وبين البشير ومعه كوكبة القياديين التاريخيين الذين كانوا عماد الجبهة اللبنانية. الفرق ببساطة هو في أطر وأسس مفهوم القضية اللبنانية. قادة اليوم الصغار في قاماتهم الوطنية يتاجرون بالقضية والهوية والتاريخ ويفصلون كل شيء على ما يتناسب مع مصالحهم وأطماعهم وطموحاتهم وأحقادهم وجنونهم وأرصدتهم، في حين أن البشير وقادة الجبهة اللبنانية كانوا جنود أوفياء للقضية ولكرامة الإنسان اللبناني عن إيمان خالص ولم يكن عندهم أي زغل أو غش أو نفاق أو جبن وكانوا دائماً على استعداد كامل للاستشهاد بفرح من أجل عزة وكرامة وطن الأرز وحريته وسيادته واستقلاله.
نحزن اليوم عندما نرى القيادات المارونية الزمنية والروحية الحالية تخاف المجاهرة بمواقفها الحقة، فتتجابن وتساير وتساوم وتماشي الشر والأشرار وتتخلى عن شهداء وأبطال القضية، لا بل تهجر القضية بكل مكوناتها من هوية وتاريخ ونضالات وتخجل بها وبالشهداء.

نحزن عندما لا نسمع صوتا واحدا لا دينياً ولا زمنياً يدافع بجرأة عن حق وكرامة أهلنا الأشراف والوطنيين والضحايا الذين اجبروا على الهرب إلى إسرائيل سنة ألفين، وعن مصير المئات من أحرارنا المغيبين قسراً في سجون الأسد النازية. نحزن ونحن نرى أراضي المسيحيين بما فيها أملاك كنيستهم يسرقها حزب الله ويُهجر أهلها بوقاحة فيما القادة الموارنة إما يلتزمون الصمت المطبق أو يغطون السرقات ويباركونها.

نحزن ونحن نرى أن الاغتراب اللبناني يُحرم بكل وسائل البلطجة والكفر والزندقة من ممارسة حقوقه فيما القادة وخصوصاً المسيحيين منهم يتلهون بشق الاغتراب وبنقل أحزابهم الشركات وعصبياتهم وجهلهم وتناقضاتهم إليه.
فعلا أنه زمن محل وجحود تحول فيه معظم قادة لبنان الروحيين والزمنيين والمسؤولين إلى تجار وكتبة وفريسيين وزنادقة وقحين، وبالتالي قد حان الوقت لأن يحمل اللبناني الشريف والوطني سوط "كرباج" الشيخ البشير ليقلب موائدهم مردداً مع السيد المسيح: بيتي بيت صلاة يدعى وأنتم جعلتموه مغارة لصوص".

*الكاتب معلق سياسي وناشط لبناني اغترابي
*عنوان الكاتب الألكتروني
*تورنتو/كندا في 25 آب/2012

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM): A Dead and Rotten Corpse

By: Elias Bejjani*
There is no doubt that we live in an era of global political hypocrisy par excellence. An era of deviations and corruption where criminals preach holiness and terrorists advocate for peace and tranquility. Why not, when the all criteria for all that is right and wrong have been distorted and confused. Sadly, the majority of our world rulers and politicians do not respect the intelligence, dignity, or the knowledge of the lay citizens and accordingly have no place or any slight calculations in their conduct.

In this context of political madness, insolence and promiscuity the so called "Non-Aligned Movement" 16th Summit kicked off in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on Saturday August 27/12 under the chairmanship of the Iranian mullahs. The puzzling question that every sane person is asking, is there any rational or truth in tagging the Iranian mullahs’ regime as a non-aligned entity?

The irony in this humiliating drama lies in the shocking fact that 120 countries are actively participating in this controversial gathering among which is al-Assad Syrian dictatorship, one of the most criminal, evil and bloody regimes in the contemporary history. Who can take this summit seriously and even imagine for a moment that these countries are going to draw up a new peace resolution to solve the crisis in Syria or to handle nuclear disarmament issues among many other items on the table?
Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi in his delivering opening speech on Sunday did not waste any time to give this bizarre summit its real identity and to plainly expose its actual Axis of Evil agenda. He with no hesitation took the opportunity to criticize the United Nations, arguing that the neutrality of the world organization is compromised by the inordinate power assigned to the five permanent members of the Security Council: Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom and the United States. He is not happy at all, nor do the Iranian ruling mullahs that the Free World is struggling to prevent them from owning an atomic bomb, nor about the economic sanctions that aims to deter them from doing so. He also called for "Creating a more democratic Security Council and for important UN reforms"
A number of shameful contradicting disagreements surround the participants, the first is that the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon himself is expected to attend the six-day summit, despite protests from the US and Israel, which both called on to the UN head to stay away from the event. Another actual joke relates to Palestine as two leaders, President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, have both declared they received and accepted the Iranian invitation. Syria's Prime Minister Wael Nader is most likely to represent his country.
In actual reality, those countries who accepted to take part in this mere theatrical summit are succumbing to Iran's expansionism schemes, its global terrorism, its threats to all the Arab countries and Israel, its criminal partnership with the Syrian dictatorship to kill the Syrian people, its bloody and intimidating hegemony on Lebanon via Hezbollah, its surrogate army, its global terrorism attacks against Israeli and numerous Western and Arab citizens officials and institutions, its atomic endeavours that pose an actual and very serious threat to the whole world.

While Western countries have tried to downplay Iran holding this summit, Iranian officials are not using any cosmetics in using it as a stage to hit out at the US, saying the holding of the 16th NAM Summit in Tehran proves the "failure" of America's "threat and sanction" policy against the oil-rich country. Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amirabdollahian said the anti-Iran policies of the US-led Western nations are doomed for failure. Amirabdollahian described the presence of heads of states and high ranking delegations of NAM member countries in Tehran as important "under such critical conditions arising from developments in the Middle East and North Africa and its coincidence with Islamic awakening movement" in the region. "The threat and sanction policy [of the US] has failed despite pressures exerted on Iran by the US and some other countries," the official IRNA news agency quoted Amirabdollahian as saying. He also said Iran's hosting of the summit would improve its position in the international circles while the US and European Union are facing a severe financial crisis.

Iranian leaders will be boldly using the summit for furthering their propaganda and had already asked many participating countries to oppose all sanctions imposed on their country. The mullahs are also strongly lobbying to secure support for the current Syrian regime lead by the butcher, Bashar al-Assad.
It is worth mentioning that The Non-Aligned Movement was founded in 1961, in the middle of the Cold War, by leaders of nations seeking to abstain from taking sides in the global conflict between the West and the Soviet Union. The first Conference of Non-Aligned Heads of State, at which 25 countries were represented, was convened at Belgrade in September 1961, largely through the initiative of Yugoslavian President Tito. He had expressed concern that an accelerating arms race might result in war between the Soviet Union and the USA. Subsequent conferences involved ever-increasing participation by developing countries. The 1964 Conference in Cairo, with 47 countries represented, featured widespread condemnation of Western colonialism and the retention of foreign military installations. Thereafter, the focus shifted away from essentially political issues, to the advocacy of solutions to global economic and other problems.
It is ironic for the Non-Aligned Movement which started in Bandung in 1955 with senior figures such as Jamal Abdel-Nasser to turn into a movement aligning with regimes that practice tyranny against their people and support with all its might other regimes who practice unprecedented killing and oppression, The proof of this lies in the protection offered by some members of the Non-Aligned Movement to the Syrian criminal regime, against the Syrian people's aspirations for liberation and democracy.
One cannot find any reason for those Arab leaders attending the summit especially that the Iranian regime is their number one threat on all levels. This is a blatant conduct of double standard and hypocrisy.
Among the participants, Bolivian President Evo Morales, Cuban President Raul Castro, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Emir of Kuwait Sabah Al-Ahmad, Lebanese President Michel Suleiman, Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said al Said, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Senegalese President Macky Sall, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Turkish President Abdullah Gul are among the high-ranking guests of the 16th NAM summit in Tehran.
In conclusion, this summit of shame, hypocrisy and camouflage will definitely achieve one very dangerous aim. It will give the Iranian terrorist mullahs a message simply saying that the whole world is not going to do anything or take any practical deterrent action against their atomic, terrorism and expansionism schemes, and accordingly they can freely continue with these schemes.

**Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sheik Bachir: Lebanon Will Always Remember You

By: Elias Bejjani

John13/15: "The greatest love you can have for your friends is to give your life for them".

Lebanon and its free patriotic citizens, all over the world remembered on Thursday 23/12 with pride, honour and pain Sheik Bachir's 30th anniversary presidential day. The "Dream" leader Sheik Bachir Gemayel was elected president for Lebanon on 23 August/1982.

Sadly Sheik Bachir was assassinated by Syrian agents before he was able to assume his presidential responsibilities because these stone age terrorists feared his honesty, nationalism, devotion, determination, courage and strong will.

Sheik Bachir who successfully led the Lebanese Christian resistance against the PLO and the Arab dictatorships, fanatic regimes and their terrorist organizations is seen as a unique national and patriotic hero in many Lebanese eyes. He is still considered to be a remarkable leader that they love, adore and cherish. God bless his soul.

Sheik Bachir was extremely faithful, devoted to Lebanon's cause of freedom, committed to the Lebanese rights and dignity, never compromised on his solid and transparent national stances or cajoled or appeased on the account of his Lebanese holy cause.

With strong self confidence, self respect, dignity and fear of Almighty God he continuously witnessed for the truth no matter what and openly and loudly uttered what must be said. He loved both his people and his country and accepted with no fear or hesitation to be a sacrifice on their alter.

Thirty years after his departure his dream, vision, and leadership role model are still vivid and alive in the souls hears and minds of many Lebanese in Lebanon and all over the world.

The Syrian Bathist assassins who are now killing and murdering their own people, were able to kill his body, but definitely failed to kill his dream in a sovereign, free and independent Lebanon.

Thirty years passed and the free Lebanese still strongly believe in Bachir's dream and are struggling with courage and faith to make it happen and become a reality. By God's will and blessings they will achieve this goal no matter what the sacrifices will be.

Sadly the majority of the current corrupted and deviated Lebanese officials, religious and political leaders are dead in the eyes of the many free Lebanese, while in reality these leaders are still alive and breathing.

Meanwhile Bachir who was assassinated 3o years ago is still alive in the hearts and minds of many patriotic Lebanese.

Those criminals and terrorists who killed Bachir, killed only his ash body, but failed to kill his dream or his the deeply rooted love in the hearts of the Lebanese

Every Free and Patriotic Lebanese is Bachir, and that's why Bachir is still alive as well as his dream.

Long Live Freedom

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Web sites &
Elias Bejjani's Face Book site!/

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Elias Bejjani Condemns the Nigerian Church Massacre

Elias Bejjani Condemns the Nigerian Church Massacre

Matthew 05/11-12: ""Happy are you when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of evil lies against you because you are my followers. Be happy and glad, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven. This is how the prophets who lived before you were persecuted."

In my capacity as a Canadian - Lebanese Human Rights Activist and political commentator, I strongly and with the harshest terms condemn the barbaric and terrorist attack that viciously targeted a Nigerian Church in the town of Otite, Kogi State, on Monday August 07/12, killing 19 innocent worshippers and injuring many others while conducting a night service.

Canada and the free world countries, as well the Muslim and Arab nations are required urgently to take all needed measures via the UN or through any other available means and ways to put an end to this on going, evil and bloody war against Christians in Nigeria.

What is sad and shocking at the same time is that the Boko Haram terrorist Islamic fanatic organization that is waging this religious war against the Nigerian Christians is not yet put on the Terrorist lists in many Western countries.

Meanwhile the Nigerian government, the UN and all the global human Rights bodies have an obligation to intervene and stop these blood thirsty murderers and put them on trial to pay for their crimes of hatred and savagism.

My deepest sympathies are extended to the families and friends of those killed in these attacks, and I wish a speedy recovery to all the injured.

May the souls of these innocent victims rest in peace.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Web sites &
Elias Bejjani's Face Book site!/

Back ground
Nigeria church attacked, 19 killed
Associated Press : Abuja, Wed Aug 08 2012/Gunmen fired on a worship service in a church in central Nigeria, killing at least 19 people, including the pastor, and wounding others in a nation often divided by religion, the military said Tuesday. The attack targeted a Deeper Life church in the town of Otite in Kogi state, about 250 km southwest of Nigeria’s capital Abuja. Blood stained the floors of the church as police and soldiers surrounded it Tuesday morning, witnesses said. It was unclear how many people were wounded in the attack Monday night. The gunmen surrounded the church in the middle of a worship service and opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles, military spokesman Lt. Col. Gabriel Olorunyomi said. The church’s pastor was among the dead. Soldiers searched for gunmen through the night, but had made no arrests as of Tuesday morning, Olorunyomi said. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. Kogi State police spokesman Simon Ile declined to comment Tuesday about the attack. National Emergency Management Agency spokesman Yushau Shuaib said his agency had dispatched rescuers to the area Tuesday. The attack comes as Nigeria faces continuing attacks from a radical Islamist sect known as Boko Haram. Boko Haram, whose name means “Western education is sacrilege’’ in the Hausa language of Nigeria’s Muslim north, has attacked churches in the past, though never as far as south. However, Boko Haram likely carried out a February prison break in the town of Koton-Karifi in Kogi state that freed 119 inmates. That attack mirrored a massive prison break in the northeastern city of Bauchi in September 2010 when Boko Haram freed about 700 inmates.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Humility, not Arrogance

By: Elias Bejjani*

"He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has put down princes from their thrones. And has exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things. He has sent the rich away empty". (Luke 01/51-54)
Those who falsely delude themselves into thinking they are superior to others, super wise and can do everything and any thing, fall into the evil trap of arrogance. By doing so they badly detach themselves from the reality of God's love. They build delusional castles in their minds, imprison themselves inside its imaginary gates and ultimately become completely blind in both heart and soul .
Arrogant individuals inevitably become hostile, angry, childish, selfish, antisocial and narcissists who are not welcomed anywhere. People avoid those who brag and exalt themselves. Arrogance is a very serious social problem caused by lack of faith that needs to be fixed before it gets worse. God does not bless those who are arrogant.
Almighty God has made it very clear in His Holy Book that He does not like those who are pompous, proud, and conceited because He Himself is a caring, humble, and meek Father. "Come to me, all you who labour and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)
Meanwhile, we cannot solve any problem unless we admit that it actually exists, and at the same time become fully aware of its causing factors. We cannot defeat the evil of arrogance and the destructive self-exaltation that results unless we know our own capabilities, means and resources. And most importantly, recognize that all people are brothers and sisters to one Father, the Almighty God.

One might wonder why some people tend to behave in such a way that they end being socially hated and isolated. Mainly because of their ignorance, distorted self-image, and most importantly because they have very little or no faith at all. They fail to gain genuine friends and have no room for intimate and long lasting relationships. Even their close family members avoid them and do not feel comfortable in their presence. They cannot love others because of their narcissism.

These disturbed individuals need to be humble, loving, and honest to overcome their arrogant behaviour. They need to call on Almighty God for the grace of humility. God always responds to our calls and prayers when we put our full trust in Him, recognize His love, and lay our lives in His generous hands. "Most certainly I tell you, if you have faith, and don’t doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you told this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it would be done. All things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." (Matthew 21/21-22)

Humility is the magic curing medicine for arrogance. This heavenly grace is always there for us if and when we pursue it with faith and unquestionable trust in God. Knowing what humility means to our lives and for our salvation is critically important.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. (Psalm 111:10)

There is humility that comes from the fear of God, and there is humility that comes from God Himself. Some are modest because they fear God, and some are modest because they know how to live with all the heavenly endowments that banishes all doubts, fears, selfishness, hatred, covetousness and grudges from our earthly nature.

Those who fear God are humble because they enjoy peace within themselves. Those who fear God watch what they say and do, find sweetness in their bodies which are God's temples, and experience the priceless grace of balance in their senses, granting them full control over their instincts and a forgiving heart at all times.

Those who are humble because they know and experience genuine happiness with purity, enjoy great simplicity all the time with a cheerful and transparent heart. God loves the humble and always comes to their rescue so that no hardships or evil things can weaken their faith, entrap them into the temptations of the wicked and unrighteous, or makes them slaves to sin. Jesus Christ Himself has set the rules in regards to humility: "But he who is greatest among you will be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." (Matthew 23/11-12)

The Bible (Malachi 4/1-6), Tells us exactly what the proud and wicked will be facing on the Day of Judgment. Let us never forget this or keep a blind eye on it:

“For, behold, the day comes, it burns as a furnace; and all the proud, and all who work wickedness, will be stubble; and the day that comes will burn them up,” says Yahweh of Armies, “that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But to you who fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings. You will go out, and leap like calves of the stall. You shall tread down the wicked; for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I make,” says Yahweh of Armies. “Remember the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded to him in Horeb for all Israel, even statutes and ordinances. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of Yahweh comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse."

In conclusion, humbleness is a blessed grace that we need to pursue via faith, love and fear of God. To be really God's children we must dearly hold on to this grace and integrate it into our every day life, heart, mind and practise. We are all equal and have one Father who created us on his image. We are all one family, brothers and sisters no matter who we are. That we are all children of God the Father is true no matter where we live, what our racial identity is, the language we speak, the social status that we enjoy, the wealth that we have, the strength that we possess, and even whether we are good or sinful. Almighty God is our loving Father and accordingly we must learn to be humble before Him and love each other more intimately as members of His one family.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Web sites &
Elias Bejjani's Face Book site!/