Thursday, February 27, 2014

غارة إسرائيلية: أهي حقيقة أم مجرد خدعة إعلامية!!

بقلم/الياس بجاني

ضجت وسائل الإعلام بخبر استهداف الطيران الإسرائيلي صباح الاثنين لقافلة عسكرية تابعة لحزب الله في جرود بريتال والنبي شيت وعلي النهري في السلسلة الجبلية الشرقية على الحدود اللبنانية السورية كانت تنقل صواريخ بالستية كاسرة للتوازن كما تعتبرها إسرائيل، وذكرت بعض التقارير أمر وقوع خمسة قتلى للحزب من بينهم المسؤول عن التدريب المدعو جميل يونس.

على الأرض لا إثباتات لوقوع الغارة
لا أحد يمكنه أن يؤكد أو ينفي وقوع الغارة أصلاً لأن لا صور ميدانية لا من حزب الله ولا من الحكومة اللبنانية ولا من وسائل الإعلام الأخرى التي تم منعها الاقتراب من المنطقة التي قيل أنها استُهدفت.

إسرائيل لم تؤكد وقوع الغارة
إسرائيل لم تؤكد وقوع الغارة ورئيس وزرائها بنيامين نتنياهو، اكتفى بالقول إن بلاده "ستقوم بكل ما هو ضروري" لأمنها وذلك رداًً على سؤال خلال مؤتمر صحافي مشترك له مع المستشارة الألمانية، ميركل، مضيفاً: "إننا لن نقول ماذا نفعل أو لا نفعل"، حفاظاً على أمن إسرائيل. من جانبه مراسل "العربية" في بيروت أفاد بأن الغارات الإسرائيلية، قد تكون استهدفت شحنة صواريخ حاول حزب الله نقلها من سوريا إلى البقاع اللبناني.

حزب الله يؤكد استهداف غارة إسرائيلية لأحد مواقعه و"لن تبقى بلا رد"
بعد 36 ساعة على نبأ الغارة ادعى حزب الله في بيانه الرسمي أنها استهدفت موقعاً له على الحدود اللبنانية-السورية، قائلاً انه سيتم الرد عليها في المكان والزمان المناسبين. وفي بيانه قال الحزب إن مساء يوم الاثنين، "قامت طائرات العدو الإسرائيلي بقصف موقع لحزب الله عند الحدود اللبنانية السورية على مقربة من منطقة جنتا في البقاع". وأشار إلى أنها لم توقع أي قتلى وجرحى، إلا أن اضراراً مادية "فقط" لحقت بالموقع. وشدد الحزب على أن "هذا العدوان الإسرائيلي لن يبقى بلا رد من المقاومة، وإن المقاومة ستختار الزمان والمكان المناسبين وكذلك الوسيلة المناسبة للرد عليه". ووفق البيان فإن ما تم تداوله في بعض وسائل الإعلام عن "استهداف لمواقع مدفعية أو صاروخية أو استشهاد مقاومين وغير ذلك لا أساس له من الصحة على الإطلاق". وتابع قائلاً "هذا العدوان الجديد هو اعتداء صارخ على لبنان وسيادته وأرضه وليس على المقاومة فقط". واعتبر أن الغارة تأكيد على "الطبيعة العدوانية للصهاينة، ويتطلب موقفا صريحا وواضحا من الجميع".

المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان
المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان من جانبه ذكر أن الطيران الإسرائيلي قصف مركز قاعدة صواريخ لقوات حزب الله اللبناني التي تشارك بعمليات القلمون الواقعة على الحدود السورية مع لبنان.

الحكومة اللبنانية والرمادية
في هذا السياق الرمادي لم يصدر أي بيان رسمي عن الحكومة اللبنانية أو عن قيادة الجيش يؤكد أو ينفي وقوع الغارة وكل ما ذكر هو أن الرئيس سليمان طلب من وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل جمع معطيات حول الغارة الإسرائيلية لتقديم شكوى لمجلس الأمن على أساس أنها خرقاًً للقرار الدولي رقم 1701.

أهداف حزب الله من نبأ الغارة في السياق التحليلي
في السياق التحليلي وبغياب كل ما هو ملموس ومنظور يؤكد وقوع الغارة يمكن استنتاج الأسباب التالية لفبركة خبرها:
1-تذكير اللبنانيين بمقاومة حزب الله لإسرائيل التي هي بالأساس كذبة كبيرة خصوصاً بعد حرب ال 2006 والقرار الدولي 1701، وبالتالي للاستمرار في احتلال لبنان لمصلحة إيران وفي مصادرة قرار الدولة وفرض إبقاء ثلاثية الجيش والشعب والمقاومة في بيان الحكومة الجديدة وهو أمر يرفضه معظم اللبنانيين والمشاركين في الحكومة من 14 آذار والمستقلين.
2- التعمية على مقتل قيادي أو أكثر للحزب داخل سوريا في القلمون أو يبرد أو غيرهما واستيعاب النقمة داخل الطائفة الشيعية.
3- رسالة إيرانية للدول الغربية التي تفاوضها على ملفها النووي.

أهداف إسرائيلية في حال كانت الغارة حقيقية
تذكير العالم بالأخطار التي تهدد الدولة العبرية وإبقاء الإسرائيليين داخل إسرائيل، واليهود المنتشرين في حالة غير استرخائية وأيضاً رفع معنويات قواتها العسكرية.
في الخلاصة، حزب الله يحتل لبنان وهو مرض سرطاني قاتل ينخر عظامه ويفتتها، وبالتالي لا قيامة للبنان ولا لشعبه ولا لدولته ما لم يتم إنهاء هذا الاحتلال الإيراني البغيض واستعادة السيادة الكاملة على كامل التراب اللبناني، وكل ما عدا هذا فهو تلهي بأعراض المرض ويبق دون فاعلية.

الكاتب معلق سياسي وناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الالكتروني
تورنتو/كندا في 28 شباط/14

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Patriarch Al Raei Does Not politically Represent the Majority of the Maronites

By: Elias Bejjani
Very few Lebanese people from all denominational sects in both Lebanon and Diaspora are not fully aware that the Maronite Patriarch Bchara Al Raei does not represent the majority of the Moronites politically. Although there is no Maronite dispute about his religious role that sadly he is not fully fulfilling as required. Political Al Raei is totally sided with the Syrian-Iranian Axis of Evil and its Lebanese proxies, especial Hezbollah and Micheal Aoun. He does not hide this reality, but on the contrary he shows it boldly and with no shame via his close bishops, political and media advisors, rhetoric, sermons, speeches, stances, visits, alliances etc. Based on these facts and realities Al Raei's meeting yesterday in Rome with Lebanon's Ex PM, Saad Al Hariri must not be seen as a meeting with the representative of the Sunni Lebanese Majority and the Maronites' mere representative. As we understand, the meeting was between Al Hariri and a Maronite religious leader that does not politically represent the majority of his own Maronite people. For Al Hariri we say loudly, Sir, we support you, but for heavens sake enough sins, mistakes and derailments. Meanwhile the majority of Maronites fully support the recently issued Bkerki National Document, but they do not belief that Al Raei will honor it.

Hariri Meets al-Rahi in Rome, Says March 14 to Have One Presidential Candidate
Naharnet Newsdesk 21 February 2014/Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri held talks Friday with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi in the Italian capital Rome, in a meeting that focused on the issue of the upcoming presidential election. "We will seek to hold the presidential election on time," Hariri said after the meeting. "The March 14 forces will nominate one candidate for the presidential elections," he added.
The meeting was held at the Maronite College in Rome and Hariri was accompanied by MPs Samir al-Jisr and Atef Majdalani, ex-MPs Bassem al-Sabaa and Ghattas Khoury, and his advisers Nader Hariri and Daoud al-Sayegh, the ex-PM's office said in a statement. The talks were followed by a closed-door meeting between Hariri and al-Rahi before discussions were resumed over dinner in the presence of the delegation members, the statement added. “I reiterated the importance of the charter that was issued by Bkirki, which is a national charter indeed and represents a roadmap for all the Lebanese,” Hariri went on to say.
Asked whether reports were true about a prearranged agreement between him and MP Michel Aoun over the issues of presidency, cabinet and policy statement, Hariri said: “It seems you know more than I know.”
“Serious talks were held with the Free Patriotic Movement and thank God they were successful and led to the formation of the cabinet. We will continue dialogue because there are several issues that we as Lebanese can agree on. This is what happened when we all focused our efforts to form the cabinet,” Hariri added. “This thing must also apply to the issue of the presidential elections ... All political parties must talk to each other and hold consultations and we must resolve our differences,” the ex-PM went on to say. Hinting that he might be in Lebanon during the presidential vote, Hariri said “I want to see myself in parliament and each of us would raise his hands and vote for the president he wants.”Asked whether the agreement over cabinet will also apply to the ministerial policy statement and about his ties with his allies, Hariri said: “The relation with the allies is a strategic relation and no one can shake it or drive a wedge between us and the Lebanese Forces.”
“I mentioned the LF because even if they are outside the cabinet, they are not outside March 14. They are rather at the heart of March 14 and we are also at the heart of March 14. We will continue this path along with all of our allies,” Hariri stressed. “As for the policy statement, it is being discussed by the ministers concerned and we have a clear stance over some issues but I don't want to talk about that here in Rome,” Hariri said, hoping the deliberations of the ministerial panel drafting the statement will be crowned with success. Earlier on Friday, Hariri met with MP Sami Gemayel in Rome, according to the Phalange Party-affiliated radio station Voice of Lebanon (100.5). Future TV had reported that Gemayel would join the talks with al-Rahi. Sources following up on the preparations that preceded the meeting had told An Nahar newspaper in remarks published Friday that the discussion of the presidential vote “will not tackle names of possible candidates as talks will focus on means to secure holding the election within the constitutional timeframe.”
On Thursday, Hariri revealed that he would discuss the presidential elections with al-Rahi, stressing his rejection of a vacuum in the top post. “I will go to Rome and I will have the opportunity to meet the patriarch … to see what his stance is on the presidential elections,” Hariri told reporters at the end of a two-day visit to Egypt. Hariri reiterated that he rejected a vacuum in the presidential post, saying the elections should be held on time.

Hariri Meets al-Rahi in Rome, Says March 14 to Have One Presidential Candidate Naharnet Newsdesk 21 February 2014/Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri held talks Friday with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi in the Italian capital Rome, in a meeting that focused on the issue of the upcoming presidential election."We will seek to hold the presidential election on time," Hariri said after the meeting. "The March 14 forces will nominate one candidate for the presidential elections," he added.
The meeting was held at the Maronite College in Rome and Hariri was accompanied by MPs Samir al-Jisr and Atef Majdalani, ex-MPs Bassem al-Sabaa and Ghattas Khoury, and his advisers Nader Hariri and Daoud al-Sayegh, the ex-PM's office said in a statement. The talks were followed by a closed-door meeting between Hariri and al-Rahi before discussions were resumed over dinner in the presence of the delegation members, the statement added. “I reiterated the importance of the charter that was issued by Bkirki, which is a national charter indeed and represents a roadmap for all the Lebanese,” Hariri went on to say.
Asked whether reports were true about a prearranged agreement between him and MP Michel Aoun over the issues of presidency, cabinet and policy statement, Hariri said: “It seems you know more than I know.”
“Serious talks were held with the Free Patriotic Movement and thank God they were successful and led to the formation of the cabinet. We will continue dialogue because there are several issues that we as Lebanese can agree on. This is what happened when we all focused our efforts to form the cabinet,” Hariri added. “This thing must also apply to the issue of the presidential elections ... All political parties must talk to each other and hold consultations and we must resolve our differences,” the ex-PM went on to say.
Hinting that he might be in Lebanon during the presidential vote, Hariri said “I want to see myself in parliament and each of us would raise his hands and vote for the president he wants.”Asked whether the agreement over cabinet will also apply to the ministerial policy statement and about his ties with his allies, Hariri said: “The relation with the allies is a strategic relation and no one can shake it or drive a wedge between us and the Lebanese Forces.”“I mentioned the LF because even if they are outside the cabinet, they are not outside March 14. They are rather at the heart of March 14 and we are also at the heart of March 14. We will continue this path along with all of our allies,” Hariri stressed. “As for the policy statement, it is being discussed by the ministers concerned and we have a clear stance over some issues but I don't want to talk about that here in Rome,” Hariri said, hoping the deliberations of the ministerial panel drafting the statement will be crowned with success.
Earlier on Friday, Hariri met with MP Sami Gemayel in Rome, according to the Phalange Party-affiliated radio station Voice of Lebanon (100.5). Future TV had reported that Gemayel would join the talks with al-Rahi. Sources following up on the preparations that preceded the meeting had told An Nahar newspaper in remarks published Friday that the discussion of the presidential vote “will not tackle names of possible candidates as talks will focus on means to secure holding the election within the constitutional timeframe.” On Thursday, Hariri revealed that he would discuss the presidential elections with al-Rahi, stressing his rejection of a vacuum in the top post. “I will go to Rome and I will have the opportunity to meet the patriarch … to see what his stance is on the presidential elections,” Hariri told reporters at the end of a two-day visit to Egypt. Hariri reiterated that he rejected a vacuum in the presidential post, saying the elections should be held on time.

سياسياً ووطنياً البطريرك الراعي لا يمثل غالبية الموارنةالياس بجاني/22 شباط/14/حقيقة ملموسة ومعاشة ليست بغائبة عن كل لبناني في الوطن الأم وبلاد الاغتراب لم يقتل الحس النقدي ولا الإحساس الوطني ولا شعلة الحرية والتوق للسيادة بداخله، الحقيقة هي أن غبطة البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي سياسياً ووطنياً لا يمثل بمواقفه وخطابه وتحالفاته وغربته عن ثوابت بكركي الوطنية، لا يمثل غالبية الموارنة سياسياً ولا هو ضميرهم ولا يشبههم بتطلعاتهم الوطنية كونه ومنذ توليه سدة البطريركية يعمل كسياسي وليس كرجل دين. يعمل كرجل سياسة بالمفهوم والعقلية والثقافة السائدة حالياً في وطن الأرز والتي هي بمضمونها الكلي موروثة عن حقبة الاحتلال السوري الإذلالية والبغيضة ولا تمت بصلة لا لدور الصرح الماروني تاريخياً ولا لثقافة الموارنة الاستقلالية والحرة. من هنا إن اجتماع الرئيس الحريري أمس في روما بالراعي هو اجتماع مع رجل دين يعمل في السياسة بعيداً عن ثوابت بكركي التاريخية ولا يمثل غالبية الموارنة في السياسة رغم أن لا خلاف مارونياً بالمرة على مهماته الدينية التي للأسف يهملها ولا يعيرها  اهتمامه. ما نريد قوله بصوت عال إن تصوير الاجتماع اعلامياً على أنه مع ممثل الموارنة، كل الموارنة، هو غير صحيح كون الراعي متحالف علناً مع فريق سياسي معاد للموارنة وللبنان أقله حتى يومنا هو محور الشر-السوري-الإيراني. كفى الرئيس الحريري أخطاء وخطايا ... وسامحونا

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Lebanon, Maronities And Saint Maroun

By: Elias Bejjani*

Fouad Afram Boustani, (1904- 1994), the Lebanese Maronite historian described the Maronite denomination as, a faith of intelligence, an identification of life, a solid belief in Catholicism, a love for others, an ongoing struggle for righteousness, a mentality of openness on the whole world, and on its different civilizations, and a vehicle for martyrdom. The Maronites established the state of Lebanon and made it an oasis for the persecuted in the middle East. They believed and practiced  multiculturalism and pluralism. They created with the help of other minorities in the Middle East the unique nation of Lebanon.

The Maronites made Lebanon their homeland since the 4th century after converting its native inhabitants to Christianity. They were identified by it, and it was identified by them, they were and still are one entity. The Maronite people were always hopeful, faithful and strong believers in the Christian Catholic doctrine. They made victories of defeats, joy of sorrow and hope of despair. The Maronites successfully created with hard work and a great deal of faith and sacrifices, the Maronite nation by fulfilling its four basic pillars, a land, a people, a civilization and a politically independent entity. They constantly fight for what was theirs, and never ever surrendered to despair.

On the ninth of February for the past 1600 years, Maronites in Lebanon and all over the world have been celebrating the annual commemoration of St. Maroun, the founder of their Christian Catholic denomination.
Every year, on the ninth of February, more than ten million Maronites from all over the world celebrate St. Maroun’s day. On this day, they pay their respect to the great founder of the Maronite Church, Maroun the priest, the hermit, the father, the leader and the Saint. They remember what they have been exposed to, since the 4th century, both good and bad times. They reminisce through the past, examine the present and contemplate the future. They pray for peace, democracy and freedom in Lebanon, their homeland, and all over the world.

Who was this Saint, how did he establish his church, where did he live, and who are his people, the Maronites?

St. Maroun, according to the late great Lebanese philosopher and historian, Fouad Afram Al-Bustani, was raised in the city of Kouroch. This city is located northeast of Antioch (presently in Turkey), and to the northwest of Herapolos (Manbieg), the capital of the third Syria (Al-Furatia). Kouroch is still presently in existence in Turkey, it is located 15 kilometers to the northwest of Kalas city, and about 70 kilometers to the north of the Syrian city, Aleppo.

As stated by the historians, Father Boutrous Daou and Fouad Fram Bustani, Maroun chose a very high location at the Semaan Mountain (called in the past, Nabo Mountain, after the pagan god, Nabo). Geographically, the Semaan Mountain is located between Antioch and Aleppo. People had abandoned the mountain for years, and the area was completely deserted.

The ruins of a historic pagan temple that existed on the mountain attracted Maroun. Boustan stated that St. Maroun moved to this mountain and decided to follow the life of a hermit. He made the ruined temple his residence after excoriating it from devils, but used it only for masses and offerings of the holy Eucharist. He used to spend all his time in the open air, praying, fasting and depriving his body from all means of comfort. He became very famous in the whole area for his faith, holiness and power of curing. Thousands of believers came to him seeking help and advice.

St. Maroun, was an excellent knowledgeable preacher and a very stubborn believer in Christ and in Christianity. He was a mystic who started a new ascetic-spiritual method that attracted many people from all over the Antiochian Empire. He was a zealous missionary with a passion to spread the message of Christ by preaching it to others. He sought not only to cure the physical ailments that people suffered, but had a great quest for nurturing and healing the "lost souls" of both pagans and Christians of his time. Maroun’s holiness and countless miracles drew attention throughout the Antiochian Empire. St. John of Chrysostom sent him a letter around 405 AD expressing his great love and respect asking St. Maroun to pray for him.

St. Maroun's way was deeply monastic with emphasis on the spiritual and ascetic aspects of living. For him, all was connected to God and God was connected to all. He did not separate the physical and spiritual world and actually used the physical world to deepen his faith and spiritual experience with God. St. Maroun embraced the quiet solitude of the Semaan Mountain life. He lived in the open air exposed to the forces of nature such as sun, rain, hail and snow. His extraordinary desire to come to know God’s presence in all things allowed him to transcend such forces, and discover an intimate union with God. He was able to free himself from the physical world by his passion and eagerness for prayer and enter into a mystical relationship of love with the creator.

St. Maroun attracted hundreds of monks and priests who came to live with him and become his disciples and loyal Christian followers. Maroun’s disciples preached the Bible in the Antiochan Empire (known at the present time as Syria), Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Israel, They built hundreds of Churches and abbeys as well as schools and were known for their faith, devotion and perseverance.

At the age of seventy, in the year 410 AD, and after completing his holy mission, St. Maroun died peacefully while surrounded by his disciples and followers. His will was to be buried in the same grave with his beloved teacher, the great monk, Zabena, in the town of Kena, next to Kouroch city, where a temple was built in Zabena’s name. St. Maroun’s will was not fulfilled, because the residents of a nearby town were able to take his body and bury him in their town and build a huge church on his grave. This church was a shrine for Christians for hundreds of years, and its ruins are still apparent in that town.

After Maroun’s death, his disciples built a huge monastery in honor of his name, adjacent to the ornate spring, (Naher Al-Assi, located at the Syrian-Lebanese border). The monastery served for hundreds of years as a pillar for faith, education, martyrhood and holiness. It was destroyed at the beginning of the tenth century that witnessed the worst Christian persecution era. During the savage attack on the monastery more than 300 Maronite priests were killed. The surviving priests moved to the mountains of Lebanon where with the Marada people and the native Lebanese were successful in establishing the Maronite nation. They converted the Lebanese mountains to a fortress of faith and a symbol for martyrhood, endurance and perseverance.

Initially the Maronite movement reached Lebanon when St. Maroun's first disciple Abraham of Cyrrhus, who was called the Apostle of Lebanon, realized that paganism was thriving in Lebanon, so he set out to convert the pagans to Christianity by introducing them to the way of St. Maroun. St. Maroun is considered to be the Father of the spiritual and monastic movement now called the Maronite Church. This movement had a profound influence on northern Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus and on many other countries all over the world where the Maronites currently live. The biggest Maronite community at the present time lives in Brazil. More than six million Lebanese descendents made Brazil their home after the massive  emigration that took place from Lebanon in the beginning of this century.

God Bless all those who struggle for freedom and liberty all over the world
*Elias BejjaniCanadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Recent Bkerki Document and Al Raei blemished National Credibility

Elias Bejjani
There is no doubt that the Bkerki document that was released yesterday is Lebanese and national in its patriotic context.
It addresses the deeply rooted fears and concerns not only of Christians, but of all Lebanese denominations who believe in the Lebanese identity, freedom, equality, justice and democracy.
At the same time the document despite of its great rhetoric context did  not come with any new descriptions for Bkerki's national and historic role or in its ethical, moral and sovereign commitments.
Bkerki that has been granted the glory of Lebanon and shall remain the guardian angel for the Land of the cedars, the holey and blessed Lebanon.

The question: Is  Patriarch, Al Raei and his close Bishops especially, Mazloum, Nassar, Sayah, and  Khairallah enjoy the needed national credibility to entrusted in the implementation of the document!?
The answer of many patriotic Lebanese is a big NO.
Why, because they are totally allied with the Axis of Evil, Both the Syrian and Iranian regimes and with their Lebanese militant ad terrorist proxy, Hezbollah.
In conclusion the document as a text is more than excellent, but sadly those who are in power in Bkerki at the present time are not trustworthy and have no credibility.