Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Recent Bkerki Document and Al Raei blemished National Credibility

Elias Bejjani
There is no doubt that the Bkerki document that was released yesterday is Lebanese and national in its patriotic context.
It addresses the deeply rooted fears and concerns not only of Christians, but of all Lebanese denominations who believe in the Lebanese identity, freedom, equality, justice and democracy.
At the same time the document despite of its great rhetoric context did  not come with any new descriptions for Bkerki's national and historic role or in its ethical, moral and sovereign commitments.
Bkerki that has been granted the glory of Lebanon and shall remain the guardian angel for the Land of the cedars, the holey and blessed Lebanon.

The question: Is  Patriarch, Al Raei and his close Bishops especially, Mazloum, Nassar, Sayah, and  Khairallah enjoy the needed national credibility to entrusted in the implementation of the document!?
The answer of many patriotic Lebanese is a big NO.
Why, because they are totally allied with the Axis of Evil, Both the Syrian and Iranian regimes and with their Lebanese militant ad terrorist proxy, Hezbollah.
In conclusion the document as a text is more than excellent, but sadly those who are in power in Bkerki at the present time are not trustworthy and have no credibility.  

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