Monday, January 20, 2014

Saad Hariri's interview: Not impressive and Lacks Honesty

By: Elias Bejjani
January 21/14

Quite frankly for the first time since 2005, I was not impressed at all by Mr. Saad Al Hariri's recent shocking and non Lebanese rhetoric, tone and stances.

In his TV interview with Paula Yacoubian, (Future TV) on Monday 20/01/14, he was not himself, but confused, perplexed, some what childish and apparently not well prepared in advance to deal with the complex questions. 

He sounded hostile at time which is not his nature and was not open, receptive or appreciative to those who criticized his sudden Saudi  imposed appeasements to Hezbollah, especially from his own Future Movement.
He could not rationally or logically explain his last bizarre statements in regards to his willingness for sharing the criminals and terrorists of Hezbollah in a new Lebanese government. 

For the first time I did not sense his usual transparency, innocence, honesty or sincerity, as I used to previously. 

Meanwhile all the junk and unconvincing excuses that he used to justify his sudden willingness to sleep in the same bed with Hezbollah were bogus and not persuasive at all. 

It was very clear from the bitterness of his rhetoric, tone and confusion that his decision making process is not totally in his hands. 

Hariri this time disappointed me and made me doubt very much that he is qualified to be where he is.
I hope I am mistaken in my interpretation of the contents of his very superficial and disappointing interview.
Apparently it seems he is for sure going to share the criminals of Hezbollah in the new government that is in preparation after shamelessly licking all his previous promises and vows.

In conclusion, we strongly believe that Hariri is committing a fatal national and patriotic mistake by succumbing to the Saudis and giving the criminal Hezbollah the legitimacy not only to continue its barbaric Iranian occupation of Lebanon and killing its patriotic leaders one after the other boldly and with cold blood, but also and most importantly to go on fighting the Syrian people and support the Butcher Bachar Al Assad to remain in power.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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